Hard Money Loans

IGR Mortgage Services is committed to helping borrowers access the money needed to meet their goals and objectives.  We treat each application on a case-by-case basis and try to tailor a solution that best gets the job done.  Our borrowers receive funding under the best terms and conditions available for their current situation.

Call 503-504-2660 

Oregon Hard Money Loans – Quick Reference Guide: 

When a conventional loan or a bank loan isn’t availale or funding is needed quickly, a hard money loan funded by private sources may be the best option.

Portland Hard Money Loans – Quick Reference Guide:

• Funded by private investors, not banks
• Any type of real estate is eligible (lots and land on case-by-case basis)
• Borrow up to 70% of value (higher LTV on case-by-case basis)
• 1st lien position only (some 2nd considered, case-by-case)
• Loan term 6 months to 15 years
• Rates from 8% to 14% (determined by risk related to LTV, market, asset, equity & credit)
• Origination fees 2% to 6%
• Appraisals usually performed in-house
• Property vesting can be individual, corporation, partnership, LLC or trust
• Purpose can be purchase, refinance, cash out, debt consolidation, repairs or whatever
• Pay-off tax liens, solve balloon payments, buyout partner, settle divorce or whatever
• All loans underwritten on a case-by-case basis
• Closing in a few days, not a few months

Low rates + lots of paperwork + appraisals + hassle + slow process = Bank Loan

Higher rates + streamlined paperwork + fast decisions + quick close = Private Money


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